As a company we are proud to have collaborators who are now relatives who bring quality to what they do with love.
“At the table with the Noble” was the backdrop to the proclamation
Last day of the Agricultural Fair with the Chianina as protagonist
The agricultural expert Stefano Rubechini is the "Cellar of the Year" of Montepulciano for 2012. The proclamation took place during "A Tavola con il Nobile", the traditional dinner which opened the Tre Berte Agricultural Fair on Friday evening .
Rubechini, 44 years old, from Centoia, a hamlet of Cortona on the border with Montepulciano, graduated from the Vegni Agricultural Institute of “Le Capezzine”, is the cellar master of the Fattoria di Palazzo Vecchio company, which produces Vino Nobile di Montepulciano (and other wines quality) on the hills of Valiano. The new winner of the prestigious award was identified by the commission made up of representatives of the Nobile Producers Consortium, the Municipality of Montepulciano and the Tre Berte Association, which organizes the fair, from a shortlist of candidates recommended by the companies belonging to the consortium itself.
Stefano Rubechini has been working as a cellarman for 10 years but also takes care of the vineyards and general organization in the company. “I was lucky – he admits – because my life all developed within a radius of a few kilometres, between Centoia, Le Capezzine and Valiano. That of the cellarman is a profession that must take into account both experience and practical knowledge as well as technique. For this I am grateful both to my predecessor, who transferred all his knowledge to me, and to the oenologist with whom we refine the work".
Rewarding Rubechini - who plays soccer and tennis in the little free time his countryside activities allow him - were the vice-Mayor of Montepulciano Luciano Garosi, the coordinator of the Consorzio del Vino Nobile Paolo Solini and Nicola Giomarelli, President of the Tre Berte Association.